Advent 2022: Men From The East with Brielle

Episode 23 December 20, 2022 00:09:46
Advent 2022: Men From The East with Brielle
Village Church Next Gen Advent Podcast
Advent 2022: Men From The East with Brielle

Dec 20 2022 | 00:09:46


Show Notes

Host: Breanne Fueling | Matt 2:1-3 | What did the wise men want to do when they found Jesus? Are you looking for Jesus this advent? Where do you think you can find him?

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Speaker 1 00:00:13 Welcome to 2022, the Adventure of Christmas Speaker 0 00:00:25 New Meet. Speaker 2 00:00:35 Welcome back to the Village Kids Advent podcast. Today's December 20th and we are getting closer and closer to Christmas day. I hope that you have enjoyed your time with us. I know many of us are done with school and now we just get to celebrate Christmas over the next couple days. And so, as I have a special guest here with me today, I hope that you guys are just continuing to look inside of your own hearts to understand Jesus. What do you want to show me during this advent season? How do you want to grow me? And what can I learn about who you are from all these different characters in the story of Advent? And so I would love for my special guest to introduce yourself. Uh, special guest. What's your first name? Speaker 1 00:01:17 Brielle. Speaker 2 00:01:18 And Brielle. What grade are you in? Speaker 1 00:01:21 Third. Speaker 2 00:01:22 Third. What's your favorite thing about third grade? Speaker 1 00:01:25 Mm, doing a lot more math. Speaker 2 00:01:28 Okay. Well your favorite thing is doing more math. Yeah. Well, you and I might be different on that one cuz I'm always trying to get rid of math. But I love people who love math because I need you in my life because I need people who do math have my life. So do you what kind of, what, what's like your favorite kind of math? Like you're like Yes. Speaker 1 00:01:46 Uh, like times. Speaker 2 00:01:48 Mm times. Yep. That makes it fast and it makes it good. I like times too. If I was gonna pick any math that I liked, it would be that one. So Brielle, tell us a little bit what is our, um, title of the day? What are we talking about? Speaker 1 00:02:02 Men from the East. Speaker 2 00:02:03 That's exactly right. And so we're talking about Wise men today and these men from the east and I'm excited to talk about them in a minute. But first I wanna talk a little bit about you, Brielle. And so tell me what are you looking forward to about Christmas this year? Speaker 1 00:02:17 Spending time with my cousins from California and Utah. Speaker 2 00:02:22 Oh, guess what? I have cousins in California. In Utah too. That's pretty fun. Um, and so what do you enjoy doing with your cousins? Speaker 1 00:02:30 Playing like games with them. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause my grandma always makes a big present and then like put its little presents in it. Okay. So we all get to like do it. Speaker 2 00:02:39 Okay. And that's something you guys get to do together? Yeah. And it's like a tradition. That sounds very fun. We've been talking about adventures on this adventure that we're doing, um, towards Christmas. Can you tell me a little bit about what is your favorite adventure that you have been on? Speaker 1 00:02:56 Camping. Ooh, in Michigan. Speaker 2 00:02:58 In Michigan. Okay. And what do you like most about adventures? Speaker 1 00:03:02 The Lake Michigan. Like there's a big lake. Lake mm-hmm. <affirmative> that you get to swim in mm-hmm. <affirmative> and looking at the stars at night. Speaker 2 00:03:10 Oh that is beautiful. Can you see more stars up there than you can see here at your house? Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty fantastic. And tell me what do you like least about adventures? Speaker 1 00:03:21 Um, the raccoons eating our food, <laugh> and making noises. Speaker 2 00:03:26 Raccoons, they, they're mischievous aren't they? Yeah. Yeah. Um, so when we moved into our house, we had a raccoon that went through a garbage and we had a couch that we were throwing out because a toilet had exploded all over. It rose. And one time in the middle of the night I looked out and there was a raccoon eating a bag of potato chips sitting on the couch in my driveway. And I was like, what? I hope you're comfortable sir. Please enjoy your potato chips on my couch. Yeah, they're characters. Um, so tell me a little bit about where are we going today? What, I know we're talking about the wise men, we're talking about these men from the east, but like where are we going today? Speaker 1 00:04:04 A group of clever people came from far away to find Jesus and worship him. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:04:11 <affirmative>. So have this group of like, they're just smart, right? They're clever and um, they're coming cuz they're following this star. It's probably taking them a while. And so quick question for you. How far will you travel this Christmas? Speaker 1 00:04:24 I'll probably stay at my house for Christmas. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I'll spend time with my family. Speaker 2 00:04:29 Yeah. So that's pretty cool. You don't have to travel very far. Right? You said you have some people traveling from pretty far away to be with you, but you don't have a big travel otherwise, when they had a long travel at their Christmas Right. They had to go many, many miles and it was exhausting cuz they didn't have the comfy kind of traveling that we have today. Right. So tell me a little bit where, where are we in the Bible in today's story? Where are we at Speaker 1 00:04:54 Matthew Gospel, he tells us different parts of the story to Luke. Speaker 2 00:05:00 Right? So today we're like flipping back to Matthew, which is another gospel. We've been spending a lot of time in the book of Luke, but there's four gospels. Do you know what they are? Matthew, mark, Speaker 1 00:05:12 Luke, and Cho. Speaker 2 00:05:13 Good job. Matthew, mark, Luke, and John. Right? And so lots of these um, books, they have similar stories and particularly Matthew, mark, and Luke, they have similars that are in sync with each other. Right. You're like, oh, the other book told that story too. And so today we're going back to the book of Matthew to be able to be like, uh, can we hear more about the Wiseman? Please? And Matthew's gonna be like, mm, yes. Let me tell you about the Wiseman. And so in this passage as we listen to the story, we are really on the lookout for who it was who came to Jesus. So Ms. Brielle, will you read us the story? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:49 Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea. During the time when Hood was king, after Jesus was born, some wise men was from the east, came to Jerusalem. They asked, where is the baby who was born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east, we came to worship him. When King heard about the the king of the Jew, he was troubled and all the people of the Jerusalem was will to Speaker 2 00:06:27 All right. So here we have these wise men in, it kind of seems like they're starting to stir up some trouble here in Matthew chapter two, verse one through three. And they're telling him, um, Hey, where's that baby? And he's like, what baby? Right? Yeah. Can you imagine? He probably felt like embarrassed and he kind of felt a little bit weird because he didn't know what they were talking about and they'd made this big journey and they probably looked like important to people. Right? And so hair had probably, yeah, I, I'm thinking he felt embarrassed and he felt kind of prideful at that moment. And then it says that, and all of the people in Jerusalem were worried too. So somehow his like anxiety, his like nervousness, they kinda like spread all around. Um, and so tell me a little bit about what the, you think this is. Speaker 2 00:07:08 We live in a time when so many people who celebrate Christmas do not worship the king, right? Like there's so many people who are like, yay. It's all about like the Christmas tree or it's all about Santa Claus, or it's all about presents or it's all about like the Grinch and some of those things are kind of fun. Some of those things are parts of Christmas and like our tradition, but that's not what we're celebrating as Christians. We get to celebrate and worship the king whose birth, which is all pretty much all that we're remembering, right? It's Jesus' birthday. Who could you pray for this Christmas that you are hoping would get to know Jesus, Speaker 1 00:07:44 The homeless people so they can hear about Jesus. Speaker 2 00:07:47 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So you feel like your heart is, for some people who are right now kind of in an unstable living environment, they don't necessarily have a home that is safe for them or someplace that they can depend on. And you would love for them to be able to know, um, that this is really why we're celebrating Christmas, right? Yeah. Oh, I love that so much. So tell me Brielle, as you know, these wise men, they're looking for Jesus at Christmas. Yeah. Do you feel like you are looking for Jesus this Christmas? And where do you think you can find Jesus? Speaker 1 00:08:19 I'll find him maybe in heaven. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:08:23 <affirmative>. And is he like so far away that he's like, doesn't know what's going on with you? Or is he here with you too? Like how does that work? Speaker 1 00:08:31 He's here with me Speaker 2 00:08:32 Too. Yeah. And so I think that's really important for us as we go about our day today, as people are listening to this podcast and now they have a whole day that they get to go and live. I want them to remember that the wise men had a search for Jesus and they had to go really far to find where baby Jesus is. But today, you and I, Jesus is not far away because he lived a perfect life and died and was buried and resurrected. He is now with God, but he's also with us and he's given us the Holy Spirit, right? And so I hope that today as we are living our life, that that's just encouraging for people, for them to think about the fact that they're not alone. The He's with us, he's Emmanuel and he is with us. So Ms. Brielle, will you close this in prayer for Diddy? Speaker 1 00:09:15 Sure. Day. Jesus, I pray that the homeless people, they know more about you and I also pray that you just help them and make sure you keep 'em safe. In Jesus name, amen. Speaker 2 00:09:31 Amen. All right. Can you close our time together by wishing our listeners a Merry Christmas? Speaker 1 00:09:36 Merry Christmas. Speaker 2 00:09:37 Have a great day everybody.

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