Advent 2022: A Promise Kept with Freddy

Episode 21 December 18, 2022 00:08:39
Advent 2022: A Promise Kept with Freddy
Village Church Next Gen Advent Podcast
Advent 2022: A Promise Kept with Freddy

Dec 18 2022 | 00:08:39


Show Notes

Host: Breanne Fueling | Luke 2 25-33 | What did Simeon teach you about Jesus? What was he certain about? We are all waiting for something. What are you waiting for?

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Speaker 1 00:00:13 Welcome to 2022, the Adventure of Christmas Speaker 0 00:00:25 New Meet. Speaker 2 00:00:35 Welcome to the Village Kids Advent podcast. Today is December 18th and we are so excited that we continue on our journey to be able to figure out what is this adventure of Christmas and exploring the different characters that have to do with the advent story. So I have a special guest with me today. We are gonna be talking about Simeon and a promise kept. And before we dive into that, I would love for them to introduce themselves. Special guest. What is your name? Speaker 3 00:01:00 Freddy. Speaker 2 00:01:01 And Freddie. What grade are you in? Sixth. And what is your favorite thing about sixth grade? Speaker 3 00:01:06 Uh, I like science. Speaker 2 00:01:08 Science. What kind of science are you guys studying? Speaker 3 00:01:11 The relationship between like photosynthesis and molecules. Speaker 2 00:01:16 Oh, so that's pretty science-y Right. And so is sixth grade the oldest grade in your school or is it the youngest grade in your school? Speaker 3 00:01:22 It's the oldest grade in our school. Speaker 2 00:01:24 Okay. Very fun. And so, um, what do you like better? Science or math? Because before we started recording, you were telling me how much you like math. Which one do you like better? Speaker 3 00:01:33 Um, right now I like science better cuz the math is okay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But sometimes I like math more. We're Speaker 2 00:01:39 Gonna make sure we send this podcast to your math teacher. We'll see what they just <laugh>. Just kidding. And so we are talking about Simeon and a promise that is kept, but before we get into that, I wanna ask you a couple questions. So what are you most looking forward to about Christmas this year? Speaker 3 00:01:53 I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:01:56 <affirmative>. And what do you like to do with your family? Speaker 3 00:01:58 So we usually deal, um, like we spread Christmas out over a week and we visit them and like family from Minnesota, Texas sometimes come in. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So that's fun. Speaker 2 00:02:11 So it's kind of like a big long celebration is what I'm hearing. And you do, you guys have family that I feel like are on all the nooks and crannies of the United States. So for you it's getting to be together and to see everyone kind of like over that time. Does that get tiring or is it just like super fun the whole time? Speaker 3 00:02:26 It's fun. Cause that's probably one of the only times we see 'em. Speaker 2 00:02:30 Hmm mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. We have, we have cousins like that too. So you're like, I love Christmas because it means that it's cousin time and getting to spend time with them. So we've been talking a lot about adventure and how so much of the advent story is really an adventure. Marion Joseph, I mean they had no idea where they were going, what was going on, and the Lord just kept orchestrating all of these people's lives to make his story happen. That happens sometimes in our stories, but I would love to hear from you, what is one of the favorite adventures that you have been on? Speaker 3 00:02:58 My favorite, favorite adventure probably was during Covid when we went to Star of Rock. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> in Illinois. Speaker 2 00:03:04 Why was that such a memorable adventure? Speaker 3 00:03:06 Because we went hiking for like an hour and then we saw a couple of like waterfalls. Ooh, Speaker 2 00:03:12 I love a good waterfall. There's just something about a waterfall that makes you just be like, whoa. That's like full of wonder, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, um, what is your favorite thing about adventures in general? What is your favorite thing about adventures? Speaker 3 00:03:24 I like that, um, they're fun. You can do things you've never done before. Speaker 2 00:03:29 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, try new things. Yep. I like to try new things too. I like to see new places also. And what is your least favorite thing about adventures? Speaker 3 00:03:37 Um, my least get things probably that you don't get to do them that often. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which makes 'em fun. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:03:42 <affirmative>. So they kinda like reserve like a special activity. Yeah, I can see that. Um, I love a good adventure. That is for sure. So as we look at the story of Simeon, let's just jump into our text here. Um, where are we going today? Where are we talking about? Speaker 3 00:03:57 We're talking about how God kept Simeon's promise Speaker 2 00:04:00 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and which is like, I think just such a beautiful story. We see that Simeon knew that the baby was the world's promised rescuer and um, he was just been waiting for this moment, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, have you ever had anyone promise you anything that you've had to like, just wait over a really long time for? Speaker 3 00:04:20 No. Speaker 2 00:04:21 Yeah, I think a lot of the promises that we get are probably kept pretty quickly, right? And here Simeon is having to like, just hold onto this promise day after day after day. And so I have a quick question for you. What are you waiting for at the moment? Is there something you're really wishing that could happen? Speaker 3 00:04:38 Uh, for me to lose a couple of baby teeth that are still in there. Speaker 2 00:04:41 Okay. When did you start losing teeth? Speaker 3 00:04:44 Second grade. Speaker 2 00:04:44 Oh, see that's pretty normal. I didn't start losing teeth until fourth grade. I got like no stickers on the teeth sticker chart in second and third grade. I was like so left out, but I didn't ke I actually kept losing baby teeth until high school. Not that, that's probably pretty inspiring to you, but <laugh>, you're like, no, I want mine out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how many do you have left to go? Speaker 3 00:05:04 Uh, uh, eight, I think. Oh, Speaker 2 00:05:05 That is a lot. Are you wiggling them? Speaker 3 00:05:08 Mm, there's only one. Speaker 2 00:05:10 Okay. You're like, come on guys, come on. Let's, let's get the show on the road here. And so you're waiting right? And you're waiting for that to be able to happen. We're gonna meet Simeon today who had spent his whole entire life waiting for God to show him his rescuing king. And so Freddy, where are we in the Bible? Speaker 3 00:05:28 We're in Luke. Speaker 2 00:05:30 Yep. Luke chapter two, Mary and Joseph have gone to Jerusalem to the temple and they are seeking to offer a gift to God for their son and to have him named. And so I'm gonna have Freddie read this passage while he's reading the passage. I want our listeners to look out for what Simeon says. Go ahead and read for us. Luke 2 25 through 33, Speaker 3 00:05:52 A man named Simeon lived in Jerusalem. He was a good man and very religious. He was waiting for the time when God would help Israel. The Holy Spirit was in him. The Holy Spirit told Samin that he would not die, be before he saw the Christ promised by the Lord. The Spirit led to me into the temple. Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple to do what the law said they must do. Then Simian took the baby in baby in his arms and thank God, now Lord, you can let me your servant die in peace. As you said, I've seen your salvation with my own eyes. You prepared him before all people. He is a light for the non-Jew people to see. He will bring honor to your people. These Israeli lights. Jesus' father and mother were amazed at what Samin had said about him. Speaker 2 00:06:45 Isn't that a fascinating like, reaction on their part? They're like, oh, wow. Right. You, you had an angel show up and tell you about your baby and you're still these times when you're still continually amazed that your child is like the Christ and that he's like fulfilling and living his purpose. But tell me, Freddy, what did Simeon teach us about Jesus? What did he say about him? Speaker 3 00:07:05 He basically said, some things are worth waiting for. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:07:08 <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And how do you think he felt? Like, what do you think, what do you think Simeon is feeling at this moment when he's like, oh, it's here. Speaker 3 00:07:16 He's probably for feeling very excited and happy and overjoyed that mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he finally saw what he was looking for Speaker 2 00:07:24 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> because what had he been certain about this whole time? Speaker 3 00:07:27 That God would deliver a savior to our world. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:07:30 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And here like it's his promise. His promise has been kept. Like, I think you're right. I think that would feel like kind of surreal. This is like what you've been waiting for, for forever, right? And now it's happening and you see it happening before your very eyes. Fred, as you've thought about the story of Simeon, what have you taken away from it for your own story? Speaker 3 00:07:51 I took away that God has a plan and he is, he knows when that your promises, his promise is gonna come true and that some things are just worth waiting for. Speaker 2 00:08:04 Hmm. I love that so much. Um, would you just close us in prayer? Speaker 3 00:08:08 Sure. Thanks. Dear Lord, thank you for this day that we can be here and that we all have a wonderful rest of the day and that you guys are able to have a good Christmas. And remember that God always has a plan for you. Amen. Speaker 2 00:08:25 Amen. All right, Freddie, can you just close by wishing our listeners a Merry Christmas? Speaker 3 00:08:29 Merry Christmas. Speaker 2 00:08:31 Hope you have a great day.

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