Advent 2022: * Updated* Sharing The Story with Michael

Episode 20 December 17, 2022 00:10:00
Advent 2022: * Updated* Sharing The Story with Michael
Village Church Next Gen Advent Podcast
Advent 2022: * Updated* Sharing The Story with Michael

Dec 17 2022 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Host: Breanne Fueling | Luke 2:17b-20 | What do you think is the same about the shepherds and you? Who can you tell about the story of Jesus this Christmas?

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:13 Welcome Speaker 1 00:00:14 To 2022, the Adventure of Christmas. Speaker 0 00:00:25 New. Speaker 2 00:00:35 Welcome back to the Village Kids Podcast. Today's December 17th and we are continuing our adventure of Christmas. I have a very special guest with me today. Special guest. What is your first Speaker 1 00:00:46 Name? Michael. Speaker 2 00:00:48 And Michael, what grade are you in? Speaker 1 00:00:50 Kindergarten. Speaker 2 00:00:51 What's your favorite thing about kindergarten? Speaker 1 00:00:53 Um, um, I'm meeting new friends. Speaker 2 00:00:56 Have you gotten to meet a lot of new friends this year? That is a fun thing, isn't it? What do you like to do with them? Do you guys get to play at recess together or what do you guys get to do with your new friends? Um, Speaker 1 00:01:07 When, when we go music time, we, we, every time we do a good job and we meet, there's a piano. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but it does our paper cuz we're draw it in every time one the club moves up, um, and it, when it gets all the way up, it comes. We get to, we get do a center on the next day of music time and it like, we can have like one sister's day, like, that's so fun. So thank you. Fu day. What, Speaker 2 00:01:38 What is stinky foot day? Is that a reward? I feel like that should be a consequence. So like when you all have to smell each other's stinky feet or what? Speaker 1 00:01:46 No, you had to. No. You ha you had to, you don't wear any shoes <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:01:52 Man. I'm gonna have to find a place for stinky foot day in my life. That sounds amazing. And so I have a couple questions for you Michael. What are you looking forward to about Christmas this year? Speaker 1 00:02:03 Um, I play up some decorations. Speaker 2 00:02:06 You like the decorations, like the tree or the lights or like what's your favorite kind of thing? Um, Speaker 1 00:02:11 The star on top. Speaker 2 00:02:13 Oh, the star on top. And we're talking a lot this Christmas about adventure. What is a favorite adventure that you have been on? Speaker 1 00:02:21 When we went to South Carolina, my whole family. Oh Speaker 2 00:02:26 My goodness. Was that so fun? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. You guys were all in the one house, right? You get to be with your cousins all day long? No. No. Speaker 1 00:02:34 All our friends were there cuz there was six rooms. Yes, actually there was seven rooms. Speaker 2 00:02:43 But all of your family and your cousins got to stay in one place and you guys got to play together. Speaker 1 00:02:47 There's eight rooms, Speaker 2 00:02:48 Okay. Yeah. Eight rooms. Yep. And you had a fun time, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so when you go on adventures like South Carolina, what is one thing you just like, enjoy about adventures? Speaker 1 00:02:58 Going in the waves. Cuz one time when I went in the waves with my friends, when I went there, we, the waves were coming into us and flashing us away. Speaker 2 00:03:07 Oh my goodness. So the waves were just like, and they like tried to take you away. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. What do you like least about adventures? What do you like? No, thank you. Speaker 1 00:03:16 When I see like bugs and, and they're very huge. Yeah. Like I saw like a huge, like a, a giant ant bigger with my toe. Speaker 2 00:03:29 Get out of town. Bigger than your toe. Were you afraid it was going to eat your toe? Yeah. He's shaking his head yes. And Speaker 1 00:03:37 Had like, it had four sharp teeth out of his mouth. Speaker 2 00:03:43 Four sharp teeth out of his mouth. Speaker 1 00:03:45 Bigger of a size Speaker 2 00:03:46 Bigger than its eyes. Oh my goodness. This sounds like the monster that is growing. When I was in Ecuador, there was something called the Tonga man ant, and it was actually really big too. They don't live the United States, so we don't have to be nervous about them here, but when they bite you, it actually makes you cry for like 12 hours. That's how painful. It's bad t bad ants. And, Speaker 1 00:04:07 And I saw, and I, and there's a, and there's a monster into the bullet only mm-hmm. <affirmative>. If you go buy it without any appearance, like it sucks you in there. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:04:17 I I think that that might be a very efficient way of keeping you out of the pool, is that there's a monster in the pool. And if you go by it without any parents, it will suck you into it. Mm mm It's always good. Be careful about those monsters. All right, so here's a question for you. Where are we going? What are we talking about today? Speaker 1 00:04:35 Sharing the story. Speaker 2 00:04:37 Sharing the story, right. Because Jesus' birth was so exciting that the shepherds told everyone the good news about this baby and they shouted their thanks to God. And so we are looking today as we talk through this, that our hearts will be full of praise and gratitude just as the shepherd's hearts were for what we've been given in Jesus. So Michael, I have a quick question for you. What kind of exciting news would make you knock on every door on your street? You go to every door and you're like, I gotta tell you, this is really exciting. What, what kind of exciting news could you imagine wanting to tell people so bad? Speaker 1 00:05:13 Like a tent you made by your own, like an older closet in your Oh, Speaker 2 00:05:20 Like a blanket tent. Speaker 1 00:05:21 Like a fort in their bant, in their Speaker 2 00:05:23 Oh yes. A blanket fort. So if you had built like this pretty sweet like blanket fort or like a tent right in your house, you'd wanna go tell everyone and be like, oh my goodness, look what I just built. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yep. All right. So I think that would be totally worth going from door to door to be able to be like, guys, come look at this tent that I just built. We're gonna see that the shepherds wanted to knock on every door of the whole town to tell them the special news of what they just experienced. And so, Michael, can you tell us where are we at in the Bible? Who are some of the main characters that we see talking here? The shepherds. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right? The shepherds are here and they have good news. Who did they, who told them the good news? Who was up in the sky telling the shepherds the good news? Speaker 1 00:06:04 The angels. Speaker 2 00:06:05 That's exactly correct. And so here we are in the Bible and we see that the shepherds have heard from the angels who the baby was and how they would know how to find him. And so they ran to go look for him and they found him. And how do you think they felt when they found baby Jesus Speaker 1 00:06:23 Sure did. Speaker 2 00:06:24 Excited. That's exactly right. And so I'm gonna go ahead and read the passage of scripture and I want you to be looking out for what the shepherds did next. Here they are, they're excited. And in Luke chapter two, verse 17, B through 20, here's what it says, then the shepherds told what the angels had said about this child. Everyone was amazed when they heard that the shepherds said to them, Mary hid these things in her heart and she continued to think about them. Then the shepherds went back to the sheep praising God and thanking him for everything that they had seen and heard. And it was just as the angel had told them. So what did the shepherds do next when they heard and found the baby? What did they go and do? Speaker 1 00:07:11 Knock on people's doors and tell them all about what they heard. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:07:17 <affirmative>. And how did the people respond? Speaker 1 00:07:19 The dog pack. Speaker 2 00:07:21 Yeah. They were like, oh my goodness, you've gotta be kidding me. This is amazing. Right? What's something that someone has told you, Michael, that you were like, what? That's amazing. Speaker 1 00:07:32 One of my friends said they had a new bed with only three of them on top. Speaker 2 00:07:38 Oh my goodness. That would be amazing. Right? A new bunk bed with three people on top. And so Michael, what is something that you are thankful for? So like, hear the shepherds, they hear this news, they go back to their sheep, and then their hearts are just thankful. What's something that your heart is thankful for? Speaker 1 00:07:53 I have great times. Sometimes. Speaker 2 00:07:58 Yeah, sometimes you have great times. That's a lot to be thankful for. Anything specific where you're like, I also am really thankful for Speaker 1 00:08:07 My nana. Speaker 2 00:08:08 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> your nana. And, and why are you thankful for your nana? Speaker 1 00:08:12 Because and loves me. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:08:15 Because your nana loves you, doesn't she? Yep. Does she love you? Just a little bit or a whole bunch? Speaker 1 00:08:21 A whole bunch. Speaker 2 00:08:22 Yeah. That's right. You knew that answer right away. And so Michael, as we finish talking about, um, the shepherds who were going to go tell everyone that they saw they're sharing the story. Who do you think that you can tell about the story of Jesus this Christmas? Speaker 1 00:08:37 My whole family. Speaker 2 00:08:38 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. You can definitely share this story with your whole family this Christmas season. And so my encouragement to everyone who's listening to our podcast today is that you would pick out maybe even just one person who you're like, I would really like to share the story of Jesus with this person. I'm not sure if they know, or maybe they've even heard it a whole bunch of times, but I don't see that it's actually settled into their heart and actually made a difference. I don't think that this person has accepted Jesus to come and live inside of them and to really change their life and live with him as their Lord. And so I'm praying for each of our village kids today that you would just consider someone you can tell the story. Who can you share the story of Jesus with? And so we wanna know that we are just covering new in prayer today. We love each and every one of you. And I'm gonna ask Michael to close us in prayer to close our podcast time today. Speaker 1 00:09:29 Thank you Jesus. I hope we have a lovely day. Oh, we have a good day tomorrow. We have a good day everybody. Amen. Speaker 2 00:09:42 Amen. And Michael, can you close our time together by wishing our listeners a Merry Christmas? Speaker 1 00:09:48 Merry Christmas. Speaker 2 00:09:50 All right. We hope you guys have a wonderful day. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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