Advent 2022: No Words To Explain with Margo

Episode 8 December 04, 2022 00:12:22
Advent 2022: No Words To Explain with Margo
Village Church Next Gen Advent Podcast
Advent 2022: No Words To Explain with Margo

Dec 04 2022 | 00:12:22


Show Notes

Host: Breanne Fueling | Luke 1:18-25Luke 1:18-25 | What is something that is hard for you to believe is true? Why didn’t Zechariah believe that Elizabeth would have a baby? Why didn’t Zechariah believe that Elizabeth would have a baby?

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:13 Joy's, Speaker 1 00:00:13 Welcome to the Village Kids and the podcast 22, the Adventure of Christmas. Speaker 0 00:00:35 Welcome Speaker 2 00:00:35 Back to the Village Kids Advent podcast. I have a very special guest of me today, and we are gonna be talking about the next part of our story when we have no words to explain. It's a Sunday and we hope that you guys are able to join us at Village Kids today, but we're just so excited that we get to continue this adventure together. And so I'm gonna let my special guests introduce yourself. What is your first name? Margot. And what grade are you in? Speaker 1 00:01:02 Second grade. Speaker 2 00:01:03 And can you tell me what has been kinda just like one of your favorite things about second grade? Speaker 1 00:01:08 I really like doing math and recess, and my favorite special is, um, music. Speaker 2 00:01:13 Oh, what do you, is it um, like singing or is it instruments in music or what, what do you guys kind do? Um, Speaker 1 00:01:18 Like kinda both. Okay. Speaker 2 00:01:19 Yeah, just like a taste of all the different musics. That's always was one of my favorite specials too. But you were math girl, is that what you just said? Oh yeah. I'm trying to keep all of my math friends very close to me because I don't do math very well and I'm gonna probably need to call upon you guys sometimes to help me out. So I'm pretty excited. I have so many math whis in village kids. And so Margot, what are you looking forward to about Christmas this year? Speaker 1 00:01:45 Getting lots of presents and doing lots of fun things and, oh, having some friends out for Speaker 2 00:01:51 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, those like, really good things. And so, opening presents and being able to do some fun things. Anything in particular like with friends or doing fun things that you're like, Ooh, I love this. Anything? Speaker 1 00:02:04 Well, something that we don't really do with friends, but we do with the whole family, like in a circle before we open the present, we like bring out a Bible and start reading, like reading like down the pages in a circle. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:02:15 <affirmative>. And then, and does one person kind of read that usually or do you guys all kind of take a little bit of reading or how does that work? Speaker 1 00:02:20 So we do them like by numbers. So Uhhuh, it starts where all of the words start. Yeah, totally. So like, after they read like one full page, it's, well not one full Speaker 2 00:02:31 Page, but like a passage probably. Like a part Speaker 1 00:02:33 Like, yeah, like one half of the page, it's the next person. Got Speaker 2 00:02:37 It. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So that's special cuz then everyone kind of gets a, a voice in it. Right? And guys can all do that together. And so as you're looking forward to these things about Christmas, I have a lot of things I'm looking forward to too. Um, we are talking a lot about adventure this Christmas and Village kids cuz our book is an adventure of Christmas and looking at all the different characters that God used to write the Christmas story. And so, so as we talk about adventure, Margo, I would love to hear you tell me what is one of your favorite adventures that you have gotten to go on? Speaker 1 00:03:06 Um, we used to go hikes. I hikes. I don't, I don't really remember the last time we did it. It was kind of a long time ago. Speaker 2 00:03:14 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But you like the adventure of hiking? Yes. That does sound like a fun adventure. And when you're on adventures like hiking, what is kind of like one of your most favorite parts about adventures? Just in general? What do you like about adventure? Speaker 1 00:03:27 Like, like going on the like, like crossing the rivers on the rocks and like logs Speaker 2 00:03:33 And stuff. Oh, so it sounds like you like the tricky parts. You like the tricky parts of adventures. Yeah. I've seen it do a couple times and you're actually pretty good. The tricky part. So that works when you go on adventures. What do you like least about the adventures? Speaker 1 00:03:46 Like you have to look a walk a really long way. Speaker 2 00:03:49 Yes. And so then you're like kind of like, oh, my legs are tired. Or just kinda that length of time. Yep. That has been a popular sentiment. Sometimes adventures just get a little too long. And so we're talking a lot about these words, right? A theme for today is no words to explain. And what we're looking for in our own hearts is that we would believe God's words when he speaks them to us. And so, even if they're hard to understand, I would love for you to tell us, Margot, what are, what are we talking about today? Where are we going today? Speaker 1 00:04:20 Oh, we're talking about how how God's word can be really confusing, but how to always believe cuz it's always true. Speaker 2 00:04:28 That's right. Some of the things that we see, like the different Bible characters and the Old Testament and the New Testament experience, they're like kind of strange sometimes, but God is always to be believed. And even when something seems like it's impossible, even when it looks impossible, we see that in the story of Zacharia. The angel taught Zacharia, um, that we, we get to choose to believe anyways even when it's tricky. And so he actually brought a consequence into Zacharia's life and he stopped him from speaking until the John, until John the baby, his son was gonna be born. Because he is like, listen, you, you can't doubt you gotta believe. And so I'm gonna take your voice away until you can learn to believe even if it's tricky. And so I wanna ask you a quick question. Margot, do you know a true story or a fact that seems too crazy or incredible to be true? Speaker 1 00:05:20 When I was at school mm-hmm. <affirmative> a couple days ago, my friend told me she, um, like she lost her tooth, but when she like tried to show me her, like her tooth was still in her mouth. Speaker 2 00:05:34 Oh. So you're like, oh, that, that, that's hard to believe, right? That you lost your tooth because your tooth was still in there. You don't wanna, you don't wanna know. I know. You know, I know a crazy fact that I learned this summer that I think is too hard, too good to be true, that a platypus when you put it underneath a black light or like the UV light actually glows in the dark. I, you guys could all see Marco's face right now, you'd see that. She's like, what? <laugh>? Yep. So that's like a fact that I was like, that's gotta be too, like that's too weird. That's a hard thing to believe. It seems too incredible and crazy to be true. Now I personally have not gotten to hold a platypus under a black light yet to make sure that it's true. But if you Google it, you'll see that there's lots of pictures where one day we don't know why God created them to glow in the dark yet. Speaker 2 00:06:19 Right? But they do weirdest fact ever. Right? And so we see that today. Ze finds it hard to believe what God is saying. But over the course, as he engages in this and he's quiet, he listens. He sees that God can be believed. Okay? So we are in this part of the Bible in Luke chapter one. I'm gonna have Margot read it for us in a second. Zacharia and Elizabeth, they have no children. We talked about this yesterday on the podcast too, and now they're too old to have any. But the angel had told Zacharia that God was going to change that. And that even though Elizabeth was old, she was gonna have a child. His name was gonna be John. And he had a purpose. He had a very, very big purpose for the story. So Margo's gonna read for us, Luke chapter one, verses 18 through 25, Speaker 1 00:07:07 I am Gabriel. I said before God, gods sent me to talk to you and to tell you the good news. Now listen, you will not be able to talk until the day these things happen. You will lose your speech because you did not believe that I told you. But these things will really happen outside. The people were still waiting for. Zechariah surprised that he was staying so long in the temple, then Ze Ka came outside. But he cannot speak to them. So they knew that he had seen a vision in the temple. Ze Ka could not speak, he could only make signs to them when he, his time of service as a priest was finished. He went home later, Zechariah's wife Elizabeth became pregnant. She did not go out of her house for five minutes. Elizabeth said, look what the Lord has done for me. My people were ashamed of me, but now the Lord has taken away that shame. Speaker 2 00:08:25 I love it. And so we see here, right? So Zacharia, it's like so confusing. He has kind of a bad attitude. Is he believing or not believing what the Lord has told him? Speaker 1 00:08:35 He's not believing. Speaker 2 00:08:36 Yep. And so he's kind of like, um, actually let me tell you what's going on. How? Like how is this even gonna be true? Like he just begins coming with arguments. He becomes coming up with excuses. He comes up with reasons, right? And then the angel is like, you actually need to listen to me. Right? Like who has the authority? Who has the information? Who has what you need? And so he takes away Zacharia's voice and he's not able to argue, right? He's not able to come up with excuses. He's just able to listen. And it says here, and then Elizabeth, she becomes pregnant and she's very accepting, right? She's not arguing what's going on, but she says she stays in her house for five months. And so she can then go out to tell the people that like the Lord has done something, what used to cause a hole in my heart and be really sad. And I felt like kind of like I was different than other people and that I was ashamed of, right? He's now filled in that hole and he is doing something that is different. And so we see here that Zachary did not believe that they would have a baby. And so the angel says, okay, what'd he tell 'em? Speaker 1 00:09:43 He said to the zacharia that he was going to lose his speech because he did not believe what the angel said to him. Speaker 2 00:09:50 So what was the angel's expectation then? Was that his expectation that he was going to believe his words or that he would argue with them about it? Speaker 1 00:09:59 That he'd believe it? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and not believe Speaker 2 00:10:03 Him? Yeah. Do you think it's a good practice to argue with an angel? Speaker 1 00:10:08 No. Speaker 2 00:10:08 No. Yeah. No. Probably we should probably be like if angels like appear to us and if God's word tells us, and if God is communicating something to us, we should make sure that our heart is not arguing against it, right? We should seek to be able to be like, okay, Lord, I don't, this is kind of incredible. I don't know how to believe this. I don't know how to do this, but I wanna move my heart to believing what you have to say. And so what did God do to help Zachary? I believe God's word. What did he, he's like, this is gonna help you understand that I am who I am and I'm gonna do what I say I'm gonna do. What did he do? Speaker 1 00:10:40 He took away Zacharia's words. And so he couldn't speak after the baby came, he could speak again. And then he, that moral was true from God. Speaker 2 00:10:50 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I love it so much, right? Cause did God give him some random consequence? No, he gave him a consequence. So he is like, okay, I want you to learn to listen to me more instead of arguing with me. I want you to learn to listen. And then he just continued his kindness and his story to draw him more to himself so he would see that. That's exactly right, Margot. And so I wanna have all of our listeners just thinking about for their own stories, like how are you listening and believing versus arguing and trying to come up with excuses, right? Like how are the people that are listening to our podcast today, do they have something that they're believing? His heart is hard to believe for them to be true. Of course. Yeah. I think we all have those things, right? Yeah. But what are we to do with them? Are we gonna argue with the Lord or do we seek to believe what he has told Speaker 1 00:11:36 Us? Believe. Speaker 2 00:11:37 Amen. That's exactly right. And so I'm hoping, Margot, can you close our time in prayer today? Just praying for our listeners that we would all have hearts that believe Speaker 1 00:11:47 Prayer. Lord, I hope that everyone can believe the Lord and believe that he is the Lord in in all our hearts. And that can never go away and always be with us. Amen. Speaker 2 00:12:03 Amen. Thank you so much, Margot. And I was just hoping can you close our time today by wishing our listeners a Merry Christmas? Speaker 1 00:12:11 Merry Christmas. Speaker 2 00:12:12 All right. We hope you guys all have a great Sunday. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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