Advent 2022: A Girl Named Mary with Lucy

Episode 8 December 05, 2022 00:12:42
Advent 2022: A Girl Named Mary with Lucy
Village Church Next Gen Advent Podcast
Advent 2022: A Girl Named Mary with Lucy

Dec 05 2022 | 00:12:42


Show Notes

Host: Breanne Fueling | Luke 1:26-27 | The Son of God left his throne in heaven to be born from this woman. Can you imagine three ways that life in heaven’s throne room would be different to life in the tiny village of Nazareth? | What makes you ordinary? What makes you just like most people you know? What makes your extraordinary? What makes you ordinary? What makes you just like most people you know? What makes your extraordinary?

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:12 Joyce's, Speaker 1 00:00:13 Welcome to Kids and the podcast 2022, the Adventure of Christmas. Speaker 2 00:00:35 Welcome to the Village Kids Advent podcast. It's December 5th, and we are excited because we're gonna be talking about a girl named Mary. And so before we get into that, I'd love for my special guest and my host for today to go ahead and introduce herself. Ma'am, what is your first name? Speaker 1 00:00:50 Lucy. Speaker 2 00:00:52 And what grade are you in? Lucy? Speaker 1 00:00:53 First grade. Speaker 2 00:00:54 What is your favorite thing about first grade? Speaker 1 00:00:57 That I learned a lot more than in kindergarten and that I'm ready for it. Speaker 2 00:01:02 Yeah, it's pretty exciting to feel like you're ready for learning and you're like, oh, bring it all on. All right. And so we are talking about who are we talking about today? Who's our main subject? Mary? Yes. And who is Mary? Speaker 1 00:01:15 An ordinary, um, girl. And she lives in a little town. Speaker 2 00:01:22 That's right. And so we see here we are, we're finding Mary, she's an ordinary girl. Right. Do you find that she's an ordinary girl? Do you find that to be encouraging for you or do you find it to be weird or do you feel like it's normal? Like what do you think God would like pick something, someone like extraordinary? Or what do you think? Speaker 1 00:01:40 I think um, he picked somebody ordinary because, um, that she, um, believed in him. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:01:48 <affirmative>. Right. And that's what made her extraordinary right. Is that she believed in God and she was willing to obey him. But on the outside she looked just ordinary. Just like you and just like me. Right. And so I think it's really important to hope. Today our listeners, they kind of walk away with a feeling that Jesus loves to use ordinary people and what he's hoping for from them is that they would just believe in him. And so I have a quick question for you. Let's look and see. What are you looking forward to about Christmas this year? Speaker 1 00:02:19 Um, that we're celebrating Jesus's birthday. Speaker 2 00:02:23 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And what are some of the things you do to celebrate Jesus' birthday? What do you, what do you enjoy? Speaker 1 00:02:28 The presents and the, they're not just to be like fun. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they're, they're like that. Um, we're thankful for Jesus. Like we're thankful for those presents. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:02:39 <affirmative>. That's exactly right. And we're talking a lot about adventure this Christmas because we're going on this adventure right. Of Christmas. So can you tell me about a favorite adventure that you have been on? Speaker 1 00:02:52 Um, when I was on a trip to Hilton Head and, um, my uncle like went on this pirate adventure mm-hmm. <affirmative> and at, at the end, um, it was actually supposed to be a lesson about God. Speaker 2 00:03:02 Oh really? And that was like one of your favorite adventures. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:03:05 And um, the lesson was that, um, you can't take like anything special to you with heaven. Speaker 2 00:03:10 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's right. No matter what like kind of wealth or anything like you accumulate here. Yeah. You all get to take it with you. So it's more important. Yeah. God's kingdom or this kingdom on earth. Speaker 1 00:03:20 God's kingdom on heaven. Speaker 2 00:03:22 Yep. That's exactly right. And so when you go on adventures like that one, what are some of your favorite things about adventures Speaker 1 00:03:30 That like some are not supposed to be like a lesson about God, but sometimes you learn a lesson about God. Speaker 2 00:03:37 That's exactly right. That's one of my favorite things. Sometimes when I even go out in nature, I'll be like, la, la la la and then I'll look at a leaf and I'll be like, oh my goodness, look at the colors of this. And I just see like God's creativity and how much he cares about details and how much he is just revealing how his character Right. Is just so inspiring through a leaf. And I'm like, look at that. That was just a lesson I didn't even know I was having it. Right. But sometimes we're just like fall in love with God and we just see the wonder of him everywhere. What is your least favorite thing about adventures? Speaker 1 00:04:11 Mm. That sometimes when you're outside and doing your adventures, you might like get 30. Speaker 2 00:04:18 That's true. You're not a big fan of the dirt. Yes, that's true. It's a danger and a hazard sometimes to be like, oh, I might get dirty. Um, sometimes. Do you ever have fun getting dirty or is dirty never fun for you? Speaker 1 00:04:32 Um, like sometimes when I'm in the rain and I get myself um, like wet, I don't really care cause I was jumping in a puddle and it was Speaker 2 00:04:42 Fun. And that was kind of worth the wet. Right? Yeah. And that's also true about adventures. Sometimes the like wetness or the dirty is like totally worth the fun and excitement that it took to get there, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right. So let's think about Mary, I have another quick question for you. Here we are, we're in this little village of Nazareth and we see what's going on. I would love for you Lucy, what makes you ordinary? Speaker 1 00:05:07 Well, that I like stuff that usual kids like Speaker 2 00:05:11 Yeah. Like what are some of those things Speaker 1 00:05:13 Like that I am that I watch TV all day. You Speaker 2 00:05:18 Watch TV all day. Yeah. So ordinary kids, you're like, yeah. Or us ordinary kids. We like watching tv. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what else? What else do you think is ordinary about you? Things that you like Speaker 1 00:05:28 That I eat? Usual stuff that ordinary. Speaker 2 00:05:32 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:32 People could eat Speaker 2 00:05:34 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yep. So you eat some ordinary food and you dress ordinary. Right. But really we see just like Mary when Catholic said us, he sees the reason that he created us. He sees the reason he created you Lucy. Right? And he's like, and that is extraordinary to me, even in the ordinary. And so today we're seeing that God chose the most ordinary girl imaginable to be the mother, mother of the most amazing baby ever. So we're in the book of Luke chapter one and we see that the angel has just announced to Zacharia and his wife Elizabeth, that they're gonna have a special baby, right? John the Baptist. And so we come and we meet Elizabeth's relative, her cousin who's much younger than Elizabeth. And we're gonna be look looking out in the passage that we're gonna read for what we're told about Mary Luke chapter one, verses 26 and 27. During Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to a virgin who lived in Nazareth, a town in Galilee. She was engaged to marry a man named Joseph from the family of David. And her name was Speaker 1 00:06:41 Mary. Speaker 2 00:06:42 So we see Mary, we hear her name. What else the word we just told about her, Speaker 1 00:06:48 That she's an ordinary girl and that she lives in a little town named Nazareth. Speaker 2 00:06:53 Yep. And whose relative is she? Hm Speaker 1 00:06:56 Hmm. Speaker 2 00:06:57 Elizabeth, right? Yeah. And they're cousins. And who was younger? Mary or Elizabeth? Elizabeth. Oh, Elizabeth is actually older. Right? So Elizabeth is like older. She hasn't had any kids. She's having to believe her own promise from what the angels told them. And now Mary is way younger and she's having to believe her promise for what the Lord is telling her. And did you hear who she was engaged to? Speaker 1 00:07:23 Um, Joseph. Speaker 2 00:07:24 That's right. And so God could have chosen an important rich or impressive woman who had fancy clothes and a fancy way of doing life. That's not who he chose. He chose this ordinary teenager in a tiny village. What does that make you think about God? That he would just choose the ordinary. Speaker 1 00:07:41 Maybe that cause um, he is like seen her do like good stuff and that she believes in him and um, she doesn't forget to like pray. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:07:56 <affirmative>. So she has like a relationship with God is what you're saying. Right. And so if Christ had been chosen to be born into like a powerful royal fancy kind of family, well that would've still been an incredible sacrifice for him to come down from heaven to live in this earth in that way. That's not how he chose to come to this earth. He chose to be God with us by being in a very, what we call humble circumstance. Which means he was just very ordinary. He was coming right in to be an ordinary life, although he was the God of the universe who was coming to this earth. And so that's pretty crazy, right? And so as we pondered this decision that he was able to step into our poverty, step into our stories, step into kind of a lowly life, to, so he would have understanding of what it's like to be like us. If he came as like a king, right? And he's all like special and fancy, how would that make you feel towards him? Speaker 1 00:08:49 Um, surprised. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:08:52 <affirmative>, you about like intimidated, right? You're like, oh, I don't know if I can go buy you, right? Yeah. But yet he came and he was like, no, you can't come buy me. I'm just like you. I wanna live the life that you're living. I wanna experience what this is. Like I don't need any special things. I wanna know what it's like to live the life that you're living. And that to me speaks a lot because it shows that he was able to come and he understands what our life is like. And so when we're confused and when we need help and we need him to be part of our stories and we're feeling overwhelmed, do we have a God who doesn't understand what it's like to be us? No. Yeah. We have a God that is like, oh, I know what that's like. I wanna help you. I wanna make sure that you know that I'm with you the whole time. So the son of God left his throne in heaven to be born from this woman. Mary, what are three ways that you think living on this earth was totally different than living in heaven For Jesus. Speaker 1 00:09:48 There's like stores. Yeah. And there's no stores in heaven. Speaker 2 00:09:52 Correct. And you have to like pay for stuff. Right. Where like in heaven you have like everything you ever need. Good. But what else? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:10:00 Um, do you like have houses that um, are not like made out of like, um, Speaker 2 00:10:08 Like the same kind of materials? Yeah. Yeah. Like the houses and, and how however heaven works with how, where people live, it's just like totally different looking, probably different feeling. Yeah. Yep. So even the way he experienced the world must have felt totally different. And what else, what's the third way you think that heaven is different from this? Like what Jesus experienced is totally different. Living now in a tiny village in Nazareth being born as a baby, Speaker 1 00:10:30 You have like seeds that you grow with and it's kinda easy cuz you just need three things like water, sunshine, and a seed. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:10:46 <affirmative>. And so up in heaven, do you think they even have to grow their seeds or do you think they just have everything? What do you think? I think Speaker 1 00:10:52 They have everything because Speaker 2 00:10:54 Yeah. Cause it's heaven, right? Yeah. And here on earth we have to work really hard for anything to grow. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> sounds like you've grown some things before, right? Yeah. And you have to like take out the weeds. You have to make sure they're watered. And actually part of living in this world is that we see that we have to toil, we have to work hard to get our fruit to come from the ground. Right? And in heaven, you think they have to like work really hard and try and try and try and sometimes it doesn't work. Speaker 1 00:11:19 No, Speaker 2 00:11:20 No. You're right. Right? And so that's a difference too. Jesus comes down to this earth and he's living in Nazareth and as he's growing up, he sees people working and they are toiling and they're having to basically like argue with the ground to be able to be like, give me our food. Right? And they have to fight against weeds and drought and all sorts of different things. And so this world was very different from what Jesus was used to being up in heaven seated by God. And so we see that he is willing to come to our earth even though it's so different. And honestly it's much harder because he wants to know what our experience is like. And he wants to show us more about who, who God is and who we are in that process. And ultimately he's coming to this earth because he wants to be able to take away our sin so that we can go and be with him one day. And so as we wrap up today talking about Mary Lucy, will you close us in prayer Speaker 1 00:12:10 To Jesus, thank you for um, that you died on our, the cross for our sins. And, um, thank you that you like, love us and thank you for um, everything that you need in. Amen. Speaker 2 00:12:27 Amen. And Lucy, can you close our time today by wishing our listeners merry Christmas today? Speaker 1 00:12:32 Merry Christmas. Speaker 2 00:12:34 We hope you guys have a great day.

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