With: Breanne Fueling, Erin Laskey, & Eliex
Bible Passage: Genesis 1:26 - 28; 2: 7-23
Lesson Focus: Made in God’s image
Apologetics Focus: They can’t make a monkey out of me
We didn’t evolve. Tear down every false argument. We are special creations with a purpose and responsible for our actions.
Host: Breanne Fueling | Luke 2:6-7 | What challenges did Mary and Jospeh face giving birth to Jesus? Knowing Jesus was born in such...
Host: Breanne Fueling | Nothing's impossible for God. | Luke 1:26-38
Host: Breanne Fueling | Luke 1:28-33 | Look again at verse 33. What makes Jesus different to other kings and queens from history? How...